Adjusting to your new dentures

By June 22, 2015Uncategorized


Adjusting to your new dentures

Like most new things in life, dentures take a little bit of getting used to. Whether they are partial dentures or full dentures, it takes time for new habits to be formed and for you to get accustomed to new sensations. But, the good news is that today’s dentures are more comfortable than ever before, making this process easier.

Adjusting to the feel of your new dentures

Even if you’ve worn dentures before, it may take a little bit of getting used to the feel of your new dentures. This is because anything new will feel different; your mouth will require a little bit of adjustment time to adapt to the new sensations.

Placing and removing your dentures

Your dental prosthetist will teach you how to insert and remove your dentures. He or she will make sure that you are clear about the procedure and confident of performing the procedure at home, before leaving the clinic.

TIP: never use force to remove your dentures. 

Eating with your new dentures

Some of your biting and chewing habits may have to change. For example, you should avoid biting hard with the front teeth. This can cause the denture to tip at the front, which places excess pressure on the gums. Focus on the canine teeth instead, which are the pointed teeth next to our front teeth, and get them to do more of the work.

Hot food should be approached with caution until you become more adjusted to sensing the temperature. Remember to avoid sticky food as well as hard foods, such as raw carrots.


happy-customer-01 all Any initial troubles you have with talking are likely to soon disappear. At first, you may feel a little self-conscious wearing something foreign in your mouth and may have trouble pronouncing certain words. Most things improve with practice and time, with speech being no exception. Try practicing difficult words by saying them out loud.

Some denture wearers report a clicking sound when they talk. If you experience this, try speaking more slowly. Other people report that their dentures slip back a little when they talk. If this happens, try to reposition your denture by biting down gently and then swallowing. Don’t be alarmed at the thought of having to practice these things. In time, your muscles will improve and your strength and coordination of these little movements will become automatic.

Using a denture adhesive

Some individuals choose to use a denture adhesive, giving added confidence, knowing that the denture will not slip out of place when they talk. If this idea appeals, talk to your dental prosthetist is about this, and he can advise you on the correct adhesive that will work with your denture.

Maintaining oral hygiene

It’s essential that you maintain excellent oral hygiene when wearing dentures. You will need to gently rub the gums with a warm wet cloth or face washer. Simply rub over the gums where your dentures sit – and rather over the top of the tongue as well. Always speak to your dental professional if you have any queries about maintaining your dental hygiene.

Feeling sore or uncomfortable

Dental ProsthetistIf the top you are feeling sore around the gum under the denture, quite often it means that the denture needs to be adjusted. If, at any time, the discomfort worsens, take the denture out for a little while to rest the tissues. However, if you’re going to see your dental prosthetist about your problem, make sure you have worn your denture for several hours beforehand, so that the practitioner can see where there is irritation, and hopefully, what is causing it. Then, your dental prosthetist will adjust the denture accordingly.

Looking after your dentures

Your dentures are delicate and can break easily, so be careful when handling and cleaning them. For example, when cleaning your dentures, place a towel underneath the denture so if it falls it won’t break. Remember to be gentle when brushing the dentures, too.

If any part of the clasp or denture breaks, stop wearing the denture immediately and book in to your local denture clinic to see your dental prosthetist. DO NOT try any do-it-yourself maintenance, either by resorting to gluing together the broken denture or altering the clasp, as this may damage either the denture or your own tissues.

Partial Denture

What to do with your dentures overnight

Most people do not wear their dentures that night. However, this issue needs to be discussed with your dentist or dental prosthetist. It is generally considered that leaving your dentures out at night give your gums and tissues a chance to rest. Not wearing dentures also helps prevent any grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw, which is best avoided.

Maintain regular checkups

It’s essential that you have six monthly checkups with your dental prosthetist to ensure that your dentures are fitting properly and are not damaged in any way. At your checkup, your mouth will also be examined to make sure your gums and cheeks are remaining healthy.

Most dentures have a lifespan of around seven years. Providing that you look after your dentures, this is the timeframe you can expect. After this period of time, you will need to have a new pair of dentures made for your mouth.

Like to make an appointment for a denture checkup? Contact us today!

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